Bourne Valley Scout Group, June 2023

Beaver Colony

In March the Beavers were thinking of others. For Mothering Sunday each Beaver planted a pansy to give their Mums. There was much hiding the pots behind their backs when they went home, admonishing their Mums not to look, it was a surprise. These plants by now must be looking beautiful as long as they remember to water them! As you may remember the colony has forged a link with Club Friday who meet at Idmiston Memorial Hall on a Friday. It has become the custom for the beavers to make cards to give to the club guests for Christmas and Easter. This year it was no different so everyone, beavers and leaders, made a card for one of the club guests. (At the time there are more guests at Friday club that there were Beavers). This link between the local young beavers and the senior citizens in the Valley has become to mean a lot to both groups. On the Thursday before the Easter holidays the beavers had a fun evening at the park in Gomeldon. The activities covered parts of the Adventure Challenges with an assault course, multiply turns on the zip wire and an Easter Egg hunt. Finishing the evening with hot chocolate, chocolate rolls and an Easter Treat to take home.

After Easter the Beavers played games and learnt a bit about Australia and Joey Scouts, who are the Beaver equivalent in Australia. They learnt the Joey Scout Promise and Law which is very like the promise that they make when they are invested as full members of the colony. Some of the Cub Pack joined them for a joint meeting to watch Charlie and Thomas swim up the Beaver River to Cub Scouts. Everyone completed a problem-solving activity during the evening. With Charlie and Thomas now at Cubs there were spaces in the colony to invite 6 young people from the Waiting List to join the colony and start their Scouting Journey. Welcome to Otis, William, Henry, Rory, Sebastian and Quinn.

Redwood/ Pete Anscomb

Cub Pack

When I last wrote the pack had started the Artist Activity Badge. As part of the creative requirement of the Our Skills Challenge each cub designed and made a card for their Mums for Mothering Sunday. The final part of the Artist badge was to design a Poster to promote Cub Scouting, not that at the present time we need to recruit young people to join the pack as we have a full pack and a waiting list as well as a continual stream of Beavers moving up as they become 8yrs old. The term ended with a trip up to Old Sarum where the cubs spent the evening playing wide games, drinking hot chocolate and eating chocolate logs. Each cub took an Easter treat, although I am not sure how many eggs even made it to the car let alone home!

After Easter we welcomed 2 new recruits moving up from out Beaver Colony. Welcome to Charlie and Thomas who have already settled in and are enjoying the extra challenges of the pack. Our older cubs have been teaching the younger ones new skills, this time as well as cricket skills and tying shoelaces there were 3 different types of paper aeroplanes, I don’t think we decided which design flew best or the furthest but it was fun  even if there were no out and out winners. The following week it was learning a new sport, T Ball, this is a requirement of the Our Skills Challenge and is a cross between rounders and cricket. The advantage of it being that everyone is doing something all the time. We were thwarted in our last activity for this report, the plan was to walk around the Winterbournes with a quiz sheet finding out about the Local Services for the Our World Challenge. However the weather was against us, I am sure you can guess, yes it was raining and paper quiz sheets don’t fare well in the wet weather! Instead we stayed in the dry and saw what services they could remember the Winterbournes could offer and finally tell their fellow team members what services they had around their own homes. Not half as much fun, but a couple of favourite games meant they had fun anyway. 

We are hoping for better weather soon as this term we are planning to be out and about a much as possible.

Akela/ Shirley

We currently have spa, ces on our Beaver Waiting List for girls and boys aged 6 – 8yrs to start Beavers in the Autumn. So, if you are reading this and think it all sounds like fun for your children or grandchildren, please get in contact and we will be pleased to add you to the Waiting List with a view to starting in the Autumn.

Shirley Moores

Group Scout Leader

Bourne Valley Scout Group

01980 611614    email

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