Community days in the Winterbournes

Volunteers met in October and November and completed the following tasks:

Litter pick throughout the village

Cut back hedge on east side of A338 from The Bank to East Farm

Re-site and re-plant three flower tubs to the grass bank adjacent to the Amenity Area car park at the entrance to Sherfield. We are grateful to a parishioner who donated spring bulbs and winter pansies for the tubs. It is hoped that the plant tubs will prevent cars driving over this area of grass.

Leaf clearance on pavements.

Tasks for the future include:

Rub down and repaint Green Bridge railings in Tanners Lane

Rub down railings of one side of White Bridge in Winterbourne Gunner

Clean off lichen and repaint roadside footpath posts

Litter pick throughout the village

Tidy shrub bed at Summerlug corner

Clean play equipment in QEII Field playground

Everyone is very welcome to join in the work on Community Days, usually a Saturday morning from 9am to 12 noon. There are tasks suitable for all ages and abilities. Protective clothing and tools are provided. Volunteers gather for coffee, etc. in the Winterbourne Arms, or bacon butties in the Glebe Hall (depending on availability), afterwards. We are always keen to hear of other tasks that could be undertaken in the village.

If you are interested in helping and would like to receive details of future Community Days, please contact Cllr Maureen Atkinson (01980 611311) or Cllr Nikki Palmer 

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