Horticultural Society and Gardening Club

As we now move rapidly into shortening daylight hours and colder weather, the scope for gardening is reduced and the time has come to put the garden to bed for the winter months and to plan for next year’s horticultural round.

Our first meeting for eighteen months was held on 2nd September in the form of the Club’s AGM and a bring and buy sale of garden plants and produce. It was good to see so many familiar faces and welcome a few new members. Plans were discussed for events and meetings proposed for the coming year. We agreed that in future the AGM would take place in September, annual membership being renewed at that meeting or subsequently. Clare Grace, our show secretary, told us of plans for the 2022 Annual Show with a new class for beer and cider making, a challenging cake recipe and a wider selection of photography entries. Children will have a much greater choice of the classes they can enter within their division. Having had to cancel both the 2020 and 2021 shows we would like to make the 2022 show one to remember by encouraging as many people as possible, whether members of the club or not, to take part.

The October meeting welcomed back Sandy Thorkeldson, a chiropractor working in Salisbury. Her spare time, long term love of gardening combined with her professional knowledge resulted in another dynamic talk full of hints and tips on how to garden in the best way for our physical and mental well being.

Our November meeting, entitled ‘Nature on Your Side,’ was led by two of the committee members. David Baker commenced his presentation by emphasising the importance of knowing your soil type, composition and acidity/alkalinity. He told us about plants that grow well together and those that don’t, and gave us hints on tackling garden pests without resorting to insecticides. For instance, a home made nettle spray is particularly good for getting rid of blackfly and other aphids, and garlic spray to keep slugs and snails at bay. Rhubarb leaves scattered round the garden attract slugs and snails enabling their easy collection and disposal, and grass mowings, scattered on brassicas, deter caterpillars. Clare Grace reminded us of the importance of gardening in a ‘greener’ way, emphasising the increasing necessity to conserve water, whether that be collecting rain or using waste household water to hydrate the garden. She also entertained us with such facts as how many aphids a ladybird devours in a day (answer, up to 50!) and that snails can sleep for up to three years. The evening became one of gardening anecdotes and exchanges involving the audience and everyone went home with at least one interesting new piece of gardening knowledge.

The last meeting of 2021 takes place on Thursday December 2nd with a Christmas theme, accompanied by mince pies and mulled wine. A representative of a Salisbury based Artisan Wine and Spirit Company will give a short talk about the business and Julia Tregellas will explain a little about her Vegan Kitchen enterprise. Both will have produce to order or buy and Julia will provide taster samples of her Christmas puddings, mince pies and truffles. Everyone is welcome to attend, non-members for a small donation to the club funds.


Our club’s Social evening will take place on January 8th 2022 with a three course, home cooked Italian themed meal and in house entertainment in the form of a quiz and pop up poetry.

Evening speaker meetings resume in March with a talk entitled ‘All about the Bees’. These regular meetings take place at the Glebe Hall on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30pm

Other dates for your 2022 diary are ‘Open Gardens’ on 15th May, the Annual Show on 16th July and a gardens outing in August, the venue and date yet to be finalised.

I would encourage you to visit our recently updated website for more information about the club, upcoming events and membership queries at www.bvhsgardeningclub.com

We are always delighted to welcome new members to our small, friendly club and to receive suggestions and new ideas to help stimulate interest in all aspects of gardening. If you would like to join the committee and become more involved, do get in contact.

Clare Dunster Secretary 01980 619121

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