On the allotment

The allotment site, not surprisingly, has been busier than usual this year. Fortunately for those of us who rent a plot the government recognised very early on that allotment gardening is a safe form of exercise with built in social distancing and is a good source of healthy food. We have been allowed to keep digging throughout the pandemic.

So far this seems to be a good year for us – a relatively mild winter and a very warm spring have brought everything on well (including the weeds and just about every pest and plant disease going!). We use a lot of dried beans in the kitchen, and currently have five varieties growing on the allotment – in the picture is Czar, a runner bean with white seeds used as butter beans. Behind these a new addition to the repertoire is a bean called “Trout”. I thought this might be the closest I would get to one this year, but we were eventually allowed to start fishing in June.

….grow your own corona…….

No, not the virus, or even the beer, but Crown Prince squash (the virus gets its name from the crown like appearance under an electron microscope). We have switched to these in preference to the more familiar butternut as they seem to keep much better through the winter, and are easier to grow. The allotment is a great place for them as they take off like wildfire, even outrunning the bindweed.

All the plots on the Down Barn Road allotment site are now occupied, but if anyone is interested in taking one on do get in touch with the Parish Council. Vacancies do arise from time to time so it is best to be on the waiting list.

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