Personalised Plates and Speeding Trends in Our Village, by Andy Paddock

We have just completed our latest rotation with the speed gun, and I wanted to share two observations we made. When I say “we,” I’m referring to our team of volunteers who notice trends and signals that help us focus during sessions.

Both observations are anecdotal and not supported by scientific evidence. The first observation is regarding personalised registration number plates. Based on our experience, individuals with personalised plates are more likely to exceed the speed limit in the village. Unfortunately, I cannot provide any evidence to support this claim since the process requires me to delete any identifying details (shredding the forms from the day). However, in the last session, approximately one quarter of the recorded speeding incidents involved vehicles with personalised plates.

The second observation is slightly more concerning, but it’s something you can help us with. We often stand opposite St. Michael’s Church, which provides a good view of the road leading into and out of the village. On several occasions, we have recorded drivers exceeding the speed limit, only for them to turn into a property or side road either just before or after passing us. Additionally, we have noticed a worrying trend of vehicles leaving the Glebe Hall car park also exceeding the speed limit on their way out of the village.

I must admit that initially, I focused on reducing the speed of drivers passing through the village on their way home or to work. However, some of the vehicles we recorded are actually from nearby areas. It is important for all of us to reflect on our own driving habits and, if possible, remind our staff or patrons about adhering to the speed limit in the village. This collective effort will benefit everyone.

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