Walking the Walk

In the Winterbournes we are very proud of our extensive network of footpaths (public rights of way). These are very popular within the community, and with groups both local (e.g. Winterbourne Walkers) and others such as South Wiltshire Ramblers (see https://www.wiltsswindonramblers.org.uk/index.php/south-wiltshire-ramblers/group-news). Our footpaths are of course shown on the Ordnance Survey maps, and can also be seen online at http://wiltscouncil.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=43d5a86a545046b2b59fd7dd49d89d22. In addition to the public rights of way, we also have some “permissive paths” where the landowners have generously allowed access to the land and installed stiles and other improvements for our benefit. All of these footpaths provide an opportunity to access our beautiful countryside, for exercise (dogs and humans!), and in some cases a more pleasant and safe way of getting from A to B, away from the A338.

Keeping our footpaths open, accessible and in good order is time consuming, and at times challenging – vegetation such as nettles and brambles can grow very fast at certain times of the year, and in winter the high water table and river mean that some paths become very wet and muddy for prolonged periods. First and foremost USING our footpaths (walking the walk) is the best way to keep them open – regular use keeps the vegetation down and maintains a clear and visible path. The Parish Council also takes active measures to keep our paths open – periodic clearing of vegetation, undertaking specific tasks on our regular community days, and the annual footpath walk which usually takes place in September. One major issue often reported is the amount of dog mess, especially on the footpaths leading to the Primary School. Please always pick up your dog waste, which can be placed in any of the village roadside waste bins.


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